Boundless School Blog


Covid Conversations

Dear Boundless Families: Whilst dining the other night with my nuclear family, feeling unusually safe from any imminent threats of patricide, the conversation turned towards the absurd. My middle child (it's always the median that ultimately sinks to the bottom)...

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Update # 2 | Session 4 – Birdie Num Nums

Dear Boundless Families: The end of the beginning is nigh, and this place's striking beauty has a hypnotic effect on your kids. Which is not to say they aren't loud. Decibel levels increase hourly. Sometimes I feel like the crusty grandpa bellowing, "dang those...

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Update #3 | Session 3 – Mythical Moths

Dear Boundless Families: It's been windy. Those deer flies haven't stood a chance. Yet another ingredient in this rather paradisiacal session. Okay, maybe I embellish. Having 60 teenagers in any one place is, by definition, is a paradise lost. I am mostly alone...

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